PET(4)-05-11 Paper 1a

P-04-339 Enforcement of Animal Welfare Standards in the Puppy Farming Industry in South West Wales

Petition wording

We call on the Welsh Assembly to urge the Welsh Government to stage an independent inquiry into the enforcement of animal welfare standards in the puppy farming industry in South West Wales.

This intervention and independent investigation is as a result of the widespread abhorrence at the ease with which the licenses are issued and subsequent lack of enforcement. This abhorrence is creating an extremely negative image of Wales throughout Wales, the United Kingdom and internationally. It is our contention that the setting up of an independent inquiry is the only way forward and will go some way in restoring the reputation of Wales throughout the UK and Internationally. Hopefully it will also curtail the activities of unlicensed puppy farmers & their reprehensible practices.

Petition raised by: Colin Richardson

Number of signatures:3753